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A portion of the proceeds from novel help support local women's shelters
If you need immediate assistance, dial 911.
The National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).
...she could barely breathe...partly because of the years of smoking she had endured...and partly because she had been shot...and the bullet was lodged somewhere between her shoulder blade and her lungs...her ex had shot her...and that was why she was in a women's shelter...but tonight was different...she was smoking...and crying and sharing about how her dad and her brother had also been shot...they both died...and she had to miss the funerals because she had to stay safe in a shelter...at first those of us who were listening didn't realize that it had been her ex who had killed her dad and brother...it was horrifying to listen to...ad even more horrendous to have lived...there were no words that we could share that could take the sting out of her situation...
that is one of the stories that sticks with me from having lived in a women's shelter...
and the reason that shelter workers do not want us to lessen our own experience is because the reality is that we do not know at what point that could have been any of us...
...the first person who beat the daylights out of me was my ex husband tom...and i am sure there are people who that i exaggerated his abuse...namely tom's mother...but last i heard tom's mother had died some horrible death...and years after my divorce from tom he is now in a texas state prison on a 35 year sentence for armed robbery...
...so in fact I hadn't exaggerated...i had lived through hell...as i am sure tom's next wife did too...i was blessed to have no kids by him...she...sadly has to not only be a single parent...but also raise the kids she had with him knowing that one day they will want to know how their father turned out...
i blog these experiences not because i am not over them...but they are a testimony to God goodness...and in overcoming...
i wish my self-esteem had been such that tom had been the last mistake i made regarding controlling men...but he wasn't my last mistake...he was only my first mistake...
i didn't know just how broken I was after him...and i continued to attract broken...
i made the decision yesterday to not marry again...i am strong enough to help others, i think...but i may not be strong enough to attract healthy...
if we didn't purposely break ourselves...then it stands to reason we cannot fix ourselves.
let me know how you are doing.
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